Booking events at NLS
NLS members should sign in here and use your chosen password in order receive member rates when booking for an event. If you have lost or forgotten your password, follow on screen instructions.
About us
We are a modern community with traditional values.
Our building has been a synagogue since 1882.
Our Masorti community, originally led by Rabbi Louis Jacobs, has been here since 1964.
Our Rabbis are Rabbi Jeremy Gordon (since 2008) and Rabbi Natasha Mann (since 2019). Our cantorial leads, David Djemal and Yoav Oved, joined in 2022.
That’s our history.
Come and be part of our future.
Weekly Words
Statements and Sanctuary
I’ve written an impact statement, on behalf of the community, regarding the anti-Israel protests at Swiss Cottage in response to a request from the Metropolitan Police. My statement is available here. Others are invited to respond and should do that at and (please cc me to any correspondence).
To continue reading, click here
Services & Learning
Kabbalat Shabbat 6.30pm.
Shabbat morning services 9.15am – in person or via
8am Rosh Chodesh, 9am Sundays on Zoom.
Children’s Services (0-5’s) held of second Shabbat each month
Rabbi Natasha’s Isaiah Class, Mondays at 6:30pm and Rabbi Jeremy’s Midrash Class, Tuesdays at 12:30pm both on Zoom.
Coming up @ NLS
8 February ~ Do you love to sing? Join the New London M’Shorerim (songstrels)
12 February, 7.30pm ~ New London Academy; An Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah with Alex Games (preparing for a first Aliyah and/or Torah reading
6 March, 1-2pm ~ Supporting neurodiversity and autism in our communities – event by zoom. More details here
9, 16, 23, 30 March, 10am-12pm ~ Hebrew Aleph; Hebrew reading crash course with Yoav (by zoom)
23 March, 10.20am ~ The boy who didn’t want to die: Peter Lantos on survival and how we teach the children
21-26 May 2025 ~ NLS trip to Poland