One of the experiences we won’t have this year is the chance to walk through the foyer at the end of services, greeting friends, occasional acquaintances and fellow-New Londoners we haven’t met yet. It’s one of my highlights of the festive season. And I will miss seeing you all in the flesh enormously. So we are going to try something different, and Covid compliant.

Can you record a one second video and send it to us?

We’ll stich the videos together to create a patchwork of greetings to watch at the end of our RH and YK videos. It should be heartening, it will be wonderful to see you all, even if only digitally. We are using an app (1se) which can only take one second’s worth of footage from each of us. That’s barely enough time to say ‘shannah’ let alone ‘tovah.’ You don’t need to plan too hard or be too accurate with the length of your contribution, just point a camera at yourself, or another New Londoner in your bubble, film something short and send it to
Our member, Ariella, will be stitching all the pieces together – thank you Ariella.

We’ll be reaching out across the community to encourage one and all to participate (all ages welcome). But you don’t need to wait to be contacted. Just record, and send your contribution in. Deadline for contributions … 10th September. But please don’t wait.

We can’t wait to see you.